Direction 1:






Precedents: In studying past editions of the publication I noted strong hang-lines and restrained typographic systems. This was especially prevalent in the earliest editions. I would like to carry this method into Vol. 36. With the proposed strong graphics and strong spot color, I feel it would benefit the design and the overall reading experience if the text was kept simple and clean (meaning consistent hanglines, column width, type treatment, etc.).

We would also like to include images from past editions. This especially extends into historical articles, which we propose to simply scan in their original print form. This would provide a strong strong archival quality while still integrating the pieces into our own visual language.

Organization: The idea of Past, Present and Future sections came from my reading through the articles themselves. I couldn’t help but notice that the varied content referenced each time frame. To make it more provocative, some of the historical pieces found fit into the Future and Present sections. This provides for an interesting link to the theme of designers “framing and shaping reality.” It could even pose the question, can someone from the past frame and shape reality for our future?

To differentiate the sections visually, hanglines will change as the reader progresses through the publication. For example, Past will have a high text hangline with images below, Present will have a mid-height hangline with the possibility of photos on top or bottom, and Future will have a lower hangline with photos above the text.

Navigation: This direction provides a tab system in which the section is referenced on the left and the article on the right. Each moves down as the reader progresses through the book.

Section Dividers: Dividers in this direction are predominantly image based with a section of text which would explain what was to be found in that section. In short, it would explain why those articles were picked for that section.

Articles: Article openers would include strong graphics which will integrate related photos. Also included would be a short “About the Author” section (without titling it as such). As the article progresses, the text will be the main focus with a sprinkling of related and minimal collage-based graphics.


Direction 2






 Next Steps:


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