Phase 01: Theme development
During this phase, students will each develop an abstract for the theme of Volume 38 of The Student Publication. Additionally, students will develop a personal essay to facilitate thinking and conversation about relevant and current topics in design.
August 23 – September 13 (4 weeks)
At the end of this phase we will have:
- Abstract
- List of potential contributors
- Calls out for participation
Week 01: August 23 | Theme brainstorming
In Class:
- Lecture on History of the Student Publication
- Class Structure and Expectations
- Overview of Publication “teams / roles”: Editorial, Marketing, Design, Project Manager(s)
- Student Presentations on Individual Topics. 5-10 minute presentation followed by questions and discussion
- Writing an Abstract
For Tuesday, August 23, Read and Prepare:
- Read: Norman, Don. “Writing as Design. Design as Writing” in Design for People.
- Write a 250 word abstract on the subject that most resonated with you as a theme for Volume 38 of The Student Publication. In addition to the explanation of the theme, this abstract should include a title, and a short quote that is relevant to the theme (include the attribution for the quote!) Include a short list of 2 or 3 potential contributors for this theme. If they are not household names, include their title and a bit about who they are.
Week 02: August 30 | Theme Semi-finalization
In Class
- Discuss Don Norman Reading
- Share Abstracts. Discussion of themes and pairing down to 2 or 3 finalists. Guiding Questions for theme decision:
- What do we want to achieve?
- How do we want people to respond?
- Review Google Drive
- Advisory Committee Decision and invitations
- Team Contracts
For Tuesday, September 06, Read and Prepare:
- Working as 4 groups, write 4 extended abstracts on the theme you signed up for: Analog, Outsider, Curiosity or Fluidity.
- Do the theme-related reading Tania assigned to your group. (TBD by Tania by end of the day August 31).
- Fluidity: Foreword and Introduction to Design as Future Making (this is available as an e-book on the library website)
- Curiosity: Applied Curiosity (link to PDF on Google Drive) from Design and the Elastic Mind
- Analog: Introduction to TangibleThings
- Outsiders: Introduction, “Beyond Radical Design” to Speculative Everything by Anthony Dunn and Fionna Raby
- As a group, find a minimum of 5 potential contributors and write a short bio for them that includes who they are, any relevant accomplishments to our theme (professional work, writings, etc.)
Week 03: September 06 | Theme and Contributor Finalization
In Class:
- Finalize theme discussion
- Semi-finalize list of contributors
- Discuss Team Contracts
For Tuesday, September 13, Read and Prepare
- Editorial: Draft Abstract and Request for Participation
- Marketing and Design: Marketing Strategy for getting the word out about Volume 38
- Archives and Documentation: Website Updates (New Theme Information)
- Finalize Team Contracts
Goal for the Week:
- A draft abstract
- Identified contributors
Week 04: September 13 | Abstract Development, identifying contributors
Goals for the Week
- A refined abstract (Editorial)
- Announcement and News Release (Marketing)
- Contact information for contributors (all)
- Letters send out (abstracts due October 15, final contribution due November 15)
- Advisory Committee Meeting
Need to get confirmation from contributors by October 01.