Phase II: Student Writing + Contributor Reminders

Tuesday, September 20

  • Advisory Board Meeting at 12:30 in Leazar 316
  • Team Debrief; Identify any key action items
  • Share and review initial drafts of Personal Essay
  • Discuss Zinsser reading in the review of essays

Tuesday, September 27

  • Discuss Readings (Turchi, maps of the imaginationZinsser, On Writing Well, p6-23.)
  • Review initial ideas for Illustration of essay.
  • Team Updates (Editorial: Contributors*; Marketing; Design) We will decide on second pass of contributor “asks” based on confirmed declines.
  • For Tuesday, October 4: Read Zinnser, p. 24 – 45

Tuesday, October 4

  • Review of illustrated essays 3/4 done
  • Team Updates: Editorial Update on Contributors

Tuesday, October 11

  • Final Review, Illustrated Essays (1:30 – 3:00)
  • Introduce Writing Assignment 2
  • Team Meetings: Editorial Update on confirmed Contributors
  • Editorial Team meets with Dean Hoeverston at 3:00pm

Tuesday, October 18