Volume 36: Marketing Project

In Volume 36, we look to engage a discussion on the role of design and designers in shaping, framing, and reflecting reality. While the notion of the designer as a constructor or visionary of a future reality is not a new one, the increasing complexity and connectivity of our world begs for renewed vigor in […]

Volume 36 Design Directions

Students have been working to create design directions. Looking at the experience of reading, writing, designing and moving through a print publication the design of Volume 36 will be a publication like non of the previous volumes. You can see initial designs here.

Volume 36 Highlighted in DesignLIFE!

Design LIFE, the Publication of the College of Design at North Carolina State, is running an article on Volume 36 of the Student Publication. The article itself explains and outlines the process that the students went through in developing the theme, as well as the amazing Exhibition Party that they held at Studio 704 in […]

First Friday Prospectus Exhibit

Come out and join The Student Publication as we premiere the theme for this year’s volume with a First Friday Prospectus Exhibit!

V36 Invitations

Contributor invitations have been sent! The editorial team has reached out to professionals and theorists in the design world for their opinions on how design and designers define, frame and shape reality.  Many of the people on our top secret list (to be revealed soon!) are practicing designers that are clearly shaping the world around […]

In The Beginning: V36 Theme Selection

Volume 36 of The Student Publication is underway. This year, a team of students will design and curate the publication under the supervision of Tania Allen through a brand new two-semester course. Already, we’ve chosen an advisory team and picked a theme. Volume 36: Form + Fiction, which will focus on the role of design and designers in defining, framing and shaping reality.