Passive Wayfinding

In this video essay, Leigh Anne Zeitoni explores the advantages of passive wayfinding systems in how we think about our environment.

Add your voice!

We are currently looking for contributions to our online volume. Have you worked on a project that fits into our theme? Written an essay about process or methods or something related? Just been thinking about something new and relevant that you want to share? Invitations are available for pick up in the design library. Come on […]

Accessing the City: The rise of tactical urbanism by Matt Tomasulo

by Matt Tomasulo {abstract} Matt Tomasulo is a graduate of the Master of Landscape Architecture program at North Carolina State University, with a Master of City and Regional Planning from UNC-Chapel Hill. He is the founder of CityFabric in Raleigh, which has a mission “to engage as many people as possible in conversation about their […]

The Process of Sketching

by Fernando Magallanes {abstract} Fernando Magallanes is an Associate Professor of Landscape Architecture in the College of Design at North Carolina State University. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Landscape Architecture from Texas A+M University and a Master of Landscape Architecture from Harvard University’s Graduate School of Design.  Magallanes travels to Spain and the […]

Form and Code

by Casey Reas {abstract} Casey Reas is an artist and professor at the University of California, Los Angeles. Reas has a masters degree from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Media Arts and Sciences as well as a bachelors degree from the School of Design, Architecture, Art, and Planning at the University of Cincinnati. With […]

The Hand and the Mind

by Juhani Pallasmaa {abstract} Juhani Pallasmaa is an architect and visiting Professor of Architecture at Washington University in St. Louis, U.S. as well as the current Plym Professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign inChampaign, Illinois. Also a former professor of architecture at the Helsinki University of Technology and a former Director of the […]

The Shifting Role of Architecture

by: Erin White {abstract} Erin White is a graduate of the Master of Architecture Program at North Carolina State University. He has a BA from Bowdoin College in Maine and studied at the Boston Architectural Center in Boston. White has been a chef, a carpenter, a statistician, and novelist before returning to North Carolina to […]

The Future of Technology

by Anna Gonzalez. Currently, we live in two worlds. The first is the physical world; the world that mankind has known from the beginning. It consists of people using their senses to interact with other people and objects and is characterized by: Direct contact: share the same environment, human connection Full disclosure of environmental information Real-time […]

Non-Verbal Communication

The Occupy movements have inspired countless groups across the nation to come together and join in what is being called “the 99%” to protest the “1%”. This isn’t the only language being created within the movements if you’ve going to any of their general assemblies. A quick look around the crowd during one of their speakers will give you a glimpse of waggling fingers, crossed arms raised, […]

2012 Team

Editors: Michael Carbaugh Craig Maxwell Design Team: Dwight Davis Eric Flood Anna Gonzales Promotion + Documentation: Dao Nguyen Ijeoma Onuh Rebekah Zabarsky Leigh Anne Zeitouni

Contributors to Process + Methods

The contributors to Volume 35 of the Student Publication respond to what we see as a melding of disciplines. Graphic Designers are exploring environmental applications and experiences, just as Architects and Industrial designers are integrating and anticipating the importance of graphic and visual communication in the work that they do. Landscape architects respond to and […]