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The Search Generation

By Isabel Bo-Linn

The Search Generation

This term I am teaching a special topics course, AI and Design, where we explore topics related to the implementation, impact, ethics, and collaborative opportunities of AI. A common theme throughout the course is “times are a changin”. As a design educator who emphasizes research and academic curiosity, I implore my students to take agency in their own education. Technology has and will continue to transform how we find and interpret information. It’s imperative students not only embrace the tidal wave of transformation AI and other technology will bring about, but also strive to hone and utilize vital literacy skills to pave the way for equitable futures.

Isabel Bo-Linn is a multidisciplinary designer, researcher, and educator with experience in print, product, and UX/UI design. Their current research investigates the origins, influences, and possibilities of visual essays/narratives as pedagogical tools and design artifacts. Other active investigations include the potentials embodied interactive systems, experiments with type and image through emerging technologies, speculative design, as well as theories and methodologies of design pedagogy.



Greenwood, P., Patston, T., Slouch, A., (2019). The digital-ready worker: digital agency and the pursuit of productivity. Deloitte Insights. learned-helplessness-workforce.html/#endnote-sup-3

Huang, Kelley (2022, September 16). For Gen-Z, TikTok is the New Search Engine. ml

Lynch, Michael Patrick (2016, April 24). Teaching in the Time of Google. The Chronicle of Higher Education.

Nicoletti, L., Bass, D., (2023, June 9). Humans Are Biased. Generative AI is Even Worse. Bloomberg.

Skonnard, Aaron (2023, June 23). The Next Generation of Workers is Less Tech Savvy Than We May Think. Forbes. eration-of-workers-is-less-tech-savvy-than-we-may-think/?sh=6e2f0789 1a52

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