You’ve got to be @%^*#*! kidding me…
Was the first thing that I thought when I tabbed back into indesign to see the wonderful error message that my indesign document had been damaged. Its funny we think of objects around us like cars, our phones or maybe even a desk as “damaged”, sometimes maybe even people around us could be damaged psychologically, but not my virtual document, how could this happen, you’re made up of 1’s and 0’s, how did you become damaged? What did I do wrong? Was it something I said? Did I want you to do more than you were capable of and pushed you too hard? Did someone take a chunk out of one of your 0’s so it looks more like a ( ? What am I going to do now? The project is due in a couple days how am I going to…oh right I made a backup like a day ago it’s fine…