
We’re still pursuing our passion.

As the whole world has felt the effects of this pandemic, we sit at home and perhaps are feeling a bit different than we typically do at home. Our homes are where we find comfort, love, peace, and mindfulness, but unfortunately these times have now invited anxiety, boredom, and … work. While we question how to spend the unusual amount of hours inside our safe-spaces, we are tasked with school work and assignments that have fallen into an abyss of motivation, alienated from the classroom, slugging around in our minds hoping to gain our attention.

At the end of the day, we have a job — we are students. And as we pursue the field of design it is our obligation that we rise to the occasion. I refuse to be taunted by the countless UN(s) and these are a few rules, so to speak, for how I am [attempting] to maintain my growth mindset during COVID-19:

  • New problems present new opportunities.
  • Replace excuses with attempts.
  • Get some fresh air.
  • Acknowledge and take note of the ways your learning environment has shifted.
  • Be aware of how you are feeling on a day to day basis.
  • UN-ite

Eat. Sleep. Coffee. Design. Take a nap. Read. Eat. Design. Sleep.